Helping Leaders & Founders Achieve Success, Love & Happiness

Helping Leaers & Founders Achieve Success, Love & Happiness

Dear Business Leader, Founder or, Entrepreneur 


If you’ve always wanted everything out of life…


A business that gives you and your family the good things in life… Instead of always feeling stressed and putting work before your partner, kids, and your happiness…


A passionate and intimate marriage with an abundance of love and connection… Instead of drifting apart, arguing over nothing and feeling disconnected.


A strong mind, with your emotions under control… Instead of getting easily triggered by all the pressure and responsibilities, leaving you anxious and irritable. 


A healthy body that gives you plenty of energy to show up as your best self every day… Instead of feeling run down and tired all the time.


A deep sense of spiritual connection, balance, and flow… Instead of overthinking and over-worrying about everything external to yourself…


Then this will be the most important message you read today…


Here’s what this is all about:


My name is Greg Gillies,

I’ve helped 100s of Business leaders and founders achieve more success, love, and happiness. And I’ve been doing it for years.


I’ve seen first-hand how clients can achieve the success, love & happiness they’ve always desired.


No matter where they find themselves in life. Because they do the deepest of healing and alignment work with us, which is specifically designed for these driven high-achievers.


And I watch them transform mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, directly impacting their marriage and parenting beyond their imagination.


And they also show up with a new level of energy, confidence, clarity, focus, and sense of self in their business.

Step Out of Ego and Into Your truth

Successful Business Leaders, Founders & Entrepreneurs unconsciously believe the more success they attain, the more love and happiness they will receive. This triggers the Masculine Ego to hustle, grind, sacrifice, and obsess over success and achievement, creating years of stress & disconnection from their divine truth and loving relationships. Ending up with extraordinary levels of success whilst feeling empty, frustrated, confused, unloved, unhappy, and unfulfilled.

Mainstream coaching, consulting, therapy, books, mindset work, and business strategies are useful but they haven’t helped you access the highest aspects of consciousness, contentment, connection and inner peace.

This often leads to more frustration, confusion, stress, and feeling stuck – what you’re looking for is the ultimate mental, physical & spiritual expansion.

The level of expansion that only comes from the most profound inner healing, alignment & spiritual awakening work.

You need to heal the Mind from years of neurological stress, neurological structures, and deepest unconscious mind programs… to heal your body from sympathetic nervous system dominance causing imbalance and dysfunction in your health, energy, and vitality…

And by healing dark energy and entities that we all pick up through the struggles, suffering, and stress, which are restricting your highest connection to spirit and your soul’s divine truth. 

If you want to unlock your highest potential, fulfillment, inner peace, and happiness.

This is the path …

I feel different, like something inside of me has really changed for the better, the way I deal with problems or negativity around me, it just doesn’t effect me in the same way it used to. I feel happy and I love who I am again instead of doubting myself all the time.

– Menno Nentjes

I feel different, like something inside of me has really changed for the better, the way I deal with problems or negativity around me, it just doesn’t effect me in the same way it used to. I feel happy and I love who I am again instead of doubting myself all the time.

– Menno Nentjes

About Greg

Husband, father of 3, entrepreneurial businessman, healer, coach, mentor, and intuitive advisor to successful Businessmen and Leaders…

After 20+ years of hustle, grind, success, and failures climbing the corporate ladder, then working even harder to build my own businesses…

I found myself with a lot of materialistic success, and on the outside, everything looked great, but on the inside, I felt angry, frustration and empty. I wasn’t happy, never fulfilled, and had this deep inner knowing something was missing…

I had always been a high-achiever in sport, life and business, but it was never good enough… No matter what I achieved there was always fear, doubt and worry in my mind, I couldn’t slow down, and I didn’t want to… This created more stress, pressure, and over thinking… To cope I’d either work harder or use alcohol to switch off…

Then I hit a wall, the lowest point of my life mentally & emotionally spiralling into burnout and breakdown! I finally surrendered, asking my wife to help me find help, which opened myself up to higher level of personal development!

This led to a deep internal journey of healing my mind, emotions, body, energy and spiritual work that completely transformed my whole life.

By continuing this journey of healing and evolving mentally, physically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually I’ve unlocked my intuitive gifts and divine purpose in life…

I now combine my healing, intuitive gifts, and advisory services to help other Businessmen & CEOs go through their own inner healing and awakening process so they can also expand every area of their personal and professional lives!

About Greg

Husband, father of 3, entrepreneurial businessman, healer, coach, mentor, and intuitive advisor to successful Businessmen and Leaders…

After 20+ years of hustle, grind, success, and failures climbing the corporate ladder, then working even harder to build my own businesses…

I found myself with a lot of materialistic success, and on the outside, everything looked great, but on the inside, I felt angry and frustrated a lot. I wasn’t happy, never fulfilled, and had this deep inner knowing I was meant for more…

I had achieved so much in sport, life and business, but it was never good enough… I felt stuck and lost, and to deal with constant stress, pressure, and noise in my mind, I’d either work harder or use alcohol to switch off…

Then I hit the lowest point of my life mentally, spiralling into burnout and breakdown! I finally surrendered and opened myself up to a different kind of help!

This led to a deep internal journey of healing my mind, emotions, body, energy and spiritual work that completely transformed my whole life.

By continuing this journey of heal and evolving mentally, physically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually I’ve unlocked my intuitive gifts and divine purpose in life…

I now combine my healing, intuitive gifts, and advisory services to help other Businessmen & CEOs go through their own inner healing and awakening process so they can also expand every area of their personal and professional lives!

Tune into The Podcast

Tune In weekly as Greg and Tracey unpack their wisdom about every area of life and how to create your ultimate Success, Love, and Happiness through healing, alignment, and manifestation. 

Hosted by the powerhouse couple behind the world’s most advanced healing, alignment, and manifestation program The Evolved CEO.

Tune into The Podcast

Tune In weekly as Greg and Tracey unpack their wisdom about every area of life and how to create your ultimate Success, Love, and Happiness through healing, alignment, and manifestation. 

Hosted by the powerhouse couple behind the world’s most advanced healing, alignment, and manifestation program The Evolved CEO.


You’re successful, but not fulfilled.


You’re getting by, but not thriving.


You’re a leader, but not a role model.


You’re ready to go beyond…


Beyond… Business consulting


Beyond… Therapy or a Psychologist


Beyond… Performance or Life Coaching

Achieve More Success, Love & Happiness

Chat with Greg about your options for expanding.

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