growth and manifestation mastermind

The Evolved CEO Mastermind is an invitation-only group of highly evolved CEOs and founders who are taking their success, love, happiness, and impact to the next level. 

Mastermind members have completed The Evolved CEO healing and alignment process which is foundational to proper growth and manifestation at the highest levels.

With a focus on creating time and financial freedom without sacrificing their health and relationships, our members can unlock their passion, purpose, impact and legacy.

True impact and legacy can only be achieved with a constant focus on healing, alignment, and expansion of all areas of life incl. business, finances, loving relationships, health, and happiness.

This is for CEOs & founders who want to master the 9 Pillars of success, love, and happiness by aligning with their higher passion, purpose, and impact without sacrificing health and loving relationships.

“Greg was able to help me tap into my potential, to catapult me into greater heights, which I had thought was impossible before I started working with him.”

 – Merwin Davies


Business and Career expansion

Members are focusing on either Exiting, Pivoting or Scaling their businesses. To create time and financial freedom to align with higher Impact work.

Conscious Leadership Evolution

Members continue to evolve their consciousness through our unique weekly and monthly sessions, evolving leadership in all areas of life.

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Spiritual Expansion and Alignment with Divine Truth

New levels of Spiritual expansion and alignment allow incredible manifestation of new opportunities, awareness, relationships & health.

Relationship Evolution

Members invest in themselves so they can continue to expand their relationships, love, connection, and communication.

Health Evolution

Members unlock new knowledge and levels of healing that continually evolves their health, well-being, energy levels, and vitality.

Impact and Legacy Evolution

Members expand beyond their own accomplishments, life, and relationships so they can create more Impact and Legacy.



With Quarterly, Monthly and Weekly touchpoints designed to take every area of your life to the highest level possible.


Quarterly Masterminds are designed for retreat-style in-person get-togethers.

Each Quarter we take a deeper dive into the 9 Pillars of Success, Love, and Happiness. 

Experience additional healing, alignment, growth, and manifestation toward your goals and dreams.


Monthly Check-ins are via Zoom and structured for all members to get actionable next steps.

Monthly sessions combine reviews & discussions around success, relationships & health.

Followed by a laser-focusing Business process to execute against growth plan and objectives.

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Weekly sessions are a combination of accountability, advisory and energy healing.

On alternate weeks we have live Zoom Q&As designed to make focus business decisions.

Or, energy healing and meditation sessions designed to release blocks and restrictions.

Achieve More Success, Love & Happiness

Chat with Greg about your options for expanding.

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